What to Do With Almonds
Almonds are an excellent food for a healthy diet. They’re very filling, with lots of protein and healthy fats, and they’re easy to find at any supermarket. Here are some ways you can store them to extend their shelf life and make them last longer.
What to do with Almonds: The first thing you should do is never put Almonds in a freezer or refrigerator. Most nuts go bad after about a month, so this rule applies as well to Almond butters. Also, avoid frying your Almond products, such as almond butter or almond meal. When fried, oils can start to oxidize and rancid in your kitchen. You should also make sure that you don’t allow moisture to mix with your Almonds.
What to do with Almonds after they’re bought: After you buy your nuts, you should always immediately grind them up into a fine paste. Grind them up using a processor or blender, and then spread them all over your kitchen counter. Not only will your counter look cleaner but your family and guests will love the freshness of those chunks of raw almonds that have been ground down. Also, if you store your raw almonds in the fridge, they will go bad faster. Simply toss them in your fridge right away.
What to do with Almonds once they’re ground: Your almonds go bad no matter how you store them, but there are a few things that you should do with raw almonds that aren’t good for you. They include: Keeping them in the freezer for a few months, then trying to eat them, or cutting them into smaller pieces before eating them. These can be difficult for people who have nut allergies, as well as people who have nut-sensitive diets. If you cut them into small pieces before eating them, they will stay fresher longer and they won’t trigger your allergies.
What to do with Almonds once they’ve been used in a recipe: There are some things you shouldn’t do with raw almonds. You should never, ever eat raw almond paste right out of your refrigerator. It has too much sugar and it’s unhealthy. Instead, you should drain and discard the remaining almond pulp and only use the almonds in soups, sauces, and dressings. They’ll give your food a more authentic almond flavor.
What to do with Almonds once they’ve been cooked: Raw almond milk is a great substitute for regular cow’s milk. You can also use almond extract to cook with instead of regular almond oil. To cook with almond extract, simply mix it in with any oils you’re cooking with. It adds a lot of richness without clogging your pores.